Monday, August 24, 2009

Off to Cedar Rapids!

Well, it's official now! I'm going to be leaving for the Bright Lights Internship in Cedar Rapids this Sunday. I'll be gone for ten weeks! :( *sadness* But I really think it's going to be a great learning and growing experience. They have a ton of stuff to get done and keep us girls busy with. The schedule invloves devotions in the morning, followed by Bible classes with varying instructors. Then after lunch we'll be working in the office doing a meriad of things. Ranging from controlling incoming and outgoing expensises, to help putting material together for Bright Lights conferences and Leader training. Steven Mally will also be teaching a desktop publishing course to us. And there's a ton of other stuff to get done and attend. I'm sure I'll be busy... but please don't forget to keep up with me! I'll miss all you guys! Ten weeks seems like a really long time... :( so I guess I'm not looking forward to being away THAT long... but the desire to go and help out with other girls pushes me through some of that. :)So anyway, please keep me in your prayers in the following weeks that I'd be open to anything God wants to show me. And also that I'd be able to do a good job.... and not get too homesick! So hopefully I'll see most of you on Wednesday and then whoever is going to Emily's tea party on Saturday. I'll try to keep my blog updated as often as I can. I'm bringing my camera... so I should be able to post some pictures too. We'll see. I wasn't able to get my laptop in time to bring with me... so hopefully I'll be able to use their computers there.

So, there's some more news... and can you believe it!?! ANOTHER post!! WOW. Am i good or what?? :P Love ya'll!


Amy said...

Aww...we're gonna miss you, Sarah!! Sounds like you're going to have fun, though.

And it's spelled myriad, not meriad, and he spells his name Stephen, not Steven!! (Miss me yet?!?!?!) Lol!!

Daniel and Rachel said...

Wow, I didn't even know you were going anywhere until your mom said so yesterday...I was like, wait, Sarah's going WHERE?? I don't know how I miss these things!! :S Anyway, I'm sure you'll have an amazing time out there...when I went to EXCEL for 8 weeks it felt like I was going to be gone for at LEAST an eternity, but it really did go by quickly. You'll be surprised. We'll miss you here tho! You'll have to keep checking my blog to see how much Kaleigh's grown since you left. :) I'll try to keep in touch...will you have email there, or will we have to snail mail you? I'll be praying for your time out there to be a time where you can grow closer to the Lord and get a bigger look into what he has for your life. I love you Sarah!!! :)

Sarah said...

Thanks guys! I'm really gonna miss you too! I think I'll have access to my e-mails... not sure quite yet. But I'll make sure to let you all know. :)

And of course... what would my blog be without Amy correcting my spelling. :P Thanks Amy.... what would I do without you? *hugs!*

Anika said...

Sarah! Ahh! I hope you have an amazing trip! I miss you already!


Anonymous said...

My turn, It' spelled expenses not expensises.

Sarah said...

Well OBVIOUSLY that was a typo. :| I mean... who in their right mind would spell it like that. I must also remind you... I am EXHAUSTED... and I can't see well enough to type everything perfectly.

BUT... being humble... Thank you for your prompt correction. Much appreciated. :P

Amy said...

Jonathan, you forgot the "s" in "it's"...

Anonymous said...


Daniel and Rachel said...

Oh know your name.

Amy said...

Good grief...