Sunday, May 24, 2009

I'm BAA-ack! =P

Hey guys! SOO sorry i haven't posted in FOREVER! This graduation stuff is keeping me on my toes. =S But i've finally gotten caught up... (for now)... and I'm gonna use this spare time to post!

Well, thursday was Joshua's 8th b-day! Since my dad wasn't home till late that night we celebrated on Friday at Ihop. (he really wanted to go there for some reason) =P Josh got some cool stuff, but he's extra proud of his new BB gun. (Rachel and I flipped when we heard that he was getting one.... "head for cover!!!") So he's been out practicing with it non-stop ever since then. He couldn't believe it when he got it. =D So, anyway, HAPPY BIRTHDAY JOSH!!! You're such an awesome little brother. Even tho we get on each other's nerves at times, i want you to know how much i love you. You are a !handsome!, talented, smart, and caring guy, and I can't wait to watch you become a teenager! =P lol. But you're pretty awesome just the way you are... even if you still treat me like I'M the younger sibling. =P lol. Love you Josh!

And THIS Sunday is the graduation!! (AHHHHH!!!!) I just finished my picture board and wrote the first draft to my speech. My dad is currently 'red penning' it. =S That's always scary, but i'm glad they fix all the 'spleeing' errors and grammatical mishaps. I might look pretty UN-grad like otherwise. =S lol. But otherwise i think everything is going pretty well. There's just a few other details to finish and I think we'll be ready. I'm getting slightly nervous now that we're down to one week. But i think the most nerve racking thing will be either the speech or the duet Laura and I are singing. =S I'm not looking forward to either. But hopefully everything will go ok.

Well, let's see... what else is new?? Umm... Hmmm... I think that's kinda all for now. I'll have to get some pictures up after the graduation. =) My dad wants to go over the corrections in my speech now... so I guess i'll go. I'll post later! Luv ya!

Tuesday, May 5, 2009

*Busy signal*

Hey ya'll! Srry I haven't posted in a while! I've been busy with all the graduation prep and then the last few days I've been pretty sick. =( I haven't been able to get out of bed till just today. I think I slept most of the day yesterday. =S (I can't really remember.) Today felt worse so my dad went to get me some drugs. =P But it helped! lol. Anyway, I'm hoping to get back on my feet soon! Hopefully I'll make it to church tomorrow. =S Just pray that this stupid thing ENDS. I'm going insane with how long it's dragging out.

So, as soon as I'm over this thing I'll try to put up a real post. And there was a request to see recent pictures of our house so I'll try to get that up too. Hope to see you all tomorrow!