Tuesday, December 23, 2008

Warning for husbands and boyfriends...

My dad showed me this commercial JCPenny put out recently... I thought it was hilarious!! Show this to the man in your life. Warn them of the unknown danger they never knew about. LoL! Have fun!


(if the link doesn't work for some reason... just copy and paste it)


Monday, December 22, 2008



From your local department store employees.

There. I posted......... What?! I didn't have any recent pictures.

Saturday, December 13, 2008

Happy Birthday Jubie!!

Hey Hey! Yesterday was Jewel Schuurmans' Birthday! (hey that rhymes!) =P

I just wanted to wish you a happy birthday, Jewel. Goodness, 11 already?? When I first met you, you were only 6 or 7. Wow. That seems like a long time ago. And I haven't even known you as long as most of the people in church! =) It sounds like you had fun yesterday.

Jewel and family (+ Rachel) went to The Fry'in Pan for brunch and then headed over to the Music Museum for the afternoon. The museum sounded really cool. Rachel took some pictures for me, so I'll post a few. (Emily... I was ever so close to posting that pic of you... but I'm too sweet for that. Even if you did look really cute, tho.) 0=)

Well, Jewel... you're one year older. And each year you get older you become more the person God is shaping you to be. God has blessed you with so many talents and abilities. Use them to His glory. You are growing up to be a pretty young lady, and I'm glad to call you my "little sis". It's so neat to watch you grow up and mature. My advice for your new year is to always follow your parents teachings and wisdom. God will bless you in ways you can't imagine if you do. He has soo much for your life, so don't ever turn aside from HIS path even when things get hard. I know you're going grow up to be a great woman, Jewel. Luv youl! Happy Birthday!

Monday, December 1, 2008

"It's the most wonderful time of the year!"

Yes, it is definitely Christmas time now. We're at the beginning of December and people are rushing around like mad to buy presents and gifts. Decorations are going up and houses smell of freshly baked cookies and hot apple cider. Holiday music streams through speakers in every department and grocery store. There are happy, red clad people outside of many stores ringing bells to remind people to share the joy with everyone, including the poor and homeless. Children drops 'hints' to their parents as they gaze longingly at toys and candy hoping to get them for Christmas. Family's are planing to get together and friends go Christmas shopping together. Couples kiss under mistletoe and kids run around with santa hats on. But as always... What is Christmas REALLY about? Have we forgotten with all the rush of decorating and shopping? Most of us would say no, but how much do we think about the real 'reason for the season'? I have to confess I haven't. My main focus has been trying to figure out what to get my family and friends. Which is great! There's nothing wrong with that ( I'm sure you wouldn't complain, right guys?) =P, but to let shopping and baking and decorating alone take full importance isn't right. Those are all fun, GREAT things that we all enjoy during the Christmas season, but do we only think about Jesus on Christmas day? I always find myself wondering why I haven't thought more about Jesus during December. The whole month rushes by finding us busy with so many different things! It's soo easy to forget to take time and really let the meaning of Christmas sink in. This year I want to do better, and I encourage you to keep reminding yourself of what we're really focusing on. It's such a wonderful, awesome thing that Jesus came DOWN to earth, humiliating Himself as a HUMAN, just because He loved US so much. He lived a perfect life just to die an awful death for who? Not Himself. But for us... What an overwhelming thought. One that should be pondered and thought about ESPECIALLY during December.

Now, that doesn't mean we don't enjoy in all the festivities! As I write this we're putting up our Christmas tree! I looove decorating for Christmas!! It's one of my favorite things to do, besides making cookies and drinking my mom's apple cider!! I can't wait to have some! And of course I love being with all my friends. It's a perfect season to hug a lot! LoL! Especially with it being cold. =) So here's a hug from me to all ya'll!!! Have a great start to December!! And stay warm! xoxo

Thursday, November 27, 2008

Happy Birthday Hannah!!!

Well, as the title says.... HAPPY BIRTHDAY HANNAH!!!! =D

Hannah Hanson, one of my best friends in the world, had her 19th birthday today! Ever since "The Claire's Incident"... lol... we've clicked. Our mall has a big sale called Crazy days twice a year where everything is marked really low. Our favorite place to stop is Claire's and Icing. Hannah and I had gotten at least two or three shopping bags full of jewelry! We didn't really know what all we wanted to buy, as we had just stuffed things in our shopping bags so other people wouldn't take them. So we both decided to just to plop down on the floor, dump everything out, and rummage through it all. LoL! It was hilarious! I'm sure we had quite a few people looking at us strangely, but we were having a blast. After that... we found we had a lot in common. (besides jewery...) =P Although we've both been branded "The Jewelry Queens".

Hannah, I love you SOO much!! I'm so glad I can call you my friend. I can remember before we came to Grace Baptist, I always wanted to have a friend that understood me better and loved me for who I was. And also just clicked with my personality. (That's always the tough one) =S Ever since I moved to SD, I never really found anybody who I could call one of my best friends. Until I met you! I thank God the day we met. He obviously decided it was time to give me some real friends. Which is what I have with all you girls at church. I don't know if there is any girl as blessed as I am... Cuz I have all you guys!! (ahem... Ya'll)

Thank you so much, Hannah, for just loving me for who I am. You are a wonderful, caring, FUN, artistic, talented, musical, FUN!, sweet, sparkly, jewelry-oriented, FUN!!, loving, smart, godly, FUN!!!!!!!, Totally AWESOME girl!!!! I love you bunches!! Have a day filled with blessings AND thankfulness! Can't forget Thanksgiving!! Which btw.... HAPPY THANKSGIVING TO ALL YA'LL!!!! May your turkey be moist, and your pumpkin pie.... uh.... pumpkin-y! And may you all be thankful for everything in your life the God has blessed you with. I sure am thankful for YOU!

Love ya!

Sunday, November 23, 2008


Well, for a while my computer screen was doing a lot better... not perfect, but enough where I hyperventilated and jumped onto Photoshop. LoL. Anyway... I started working on a design for my (future) website. As soon as I graduate I'd like to start a business, and I'd probably put up a website too. So I was working on the backdrop for it. I don't know if I'll keep it, but it's an idea. So, tell me what ya'll think! Sorry it took so long to post, but I try to refrain using the computer when it's so distorted... kinda depressing. =P

Thursday, November 13, 2008

Thanks for the idea!

Well, since I just can't think of what to post about... Rachel's last blog gave me something to go on for now. I love photography, but most importantly PHOTOSHOP!!! (I think I'm addicted) =P So, until I can think of something to write about, I thought I'd post some of my pictures and see what ya'll think.

I think I did this about 2 months ago... so not totally recent... but I liked it. It seems like I haven't done anything recent because of our computer. The colors are all messed up, and the screen is choppy. And there are little pink lines everywhere. It's so annoying. I feel like I'm looking at a bit map. Grrr... =( So I haven't been on photoshop for... at least 2 and a 1/2 weeks! Seems like longer. ='(

Nway... I forget where I got the idea... but since I'm a big nike lover... I tried my hand at this. I made about 6 different variations but these two are my fave. I think it took around 5-6 hours for the orig. and 45 minutes to an hour extra for each new variation. The dark one is the last variation I came up with. The pink one was like third I think. There were like, 20 layers in the pink one, and 30+ in the dark picture! I don't usually get around to using THAT many layers... I usually combine things a lot to keep everything condensed. But this was crazy... I couldn't stop adding stuff! lol. Nway, hope ya'll like it! =)

[Oh... btw, since the picture isn't big enough on my blog... I put the pics on a folder in my picasa web albums.]



(LoL... srry, i just had to say that)

Thursday, November 6, 2008

God save our Nation...

God bless our native land!
Firm may she ever stand,
Through storm and night:
When the wild tempests race,
Ruler of wind and wave,
Do Thou our country save,
By Thy great might!

For her our prayer shall rise,
To God, above the skies;
On Him we wait:
Thou who art ever nigh,
Guarding with watchful eye,
To Thee aloud we cry,
God save the state!

Not for this land alone,
But be God's mercy shown,
From shore to shore;
And may the nations see,
That men should brothers be,
And form one family,
The wide world o'er.

Thursday, October 23, 2008

Free at last!

Finally I can break free of my 'sick haze'. I finally can breath and move my eyes without passing out. LoL. So now... Wow... I gotta catch up on some stuff!

Let's see... when I left off I was going to write about the Haugaard's Party. But it's been a while since that. Hmm... Well for the sake of my non-SD readers I'll brief ya'll on it. =)

Well, as usual the Harvest Party was a blast! Pie contests, Volleyball, and hay rides. Unfortunately... once again I forgot to take pictures of the hay ride. =( Sorry. If any of you have pictures... you know what to do! Otherwise, the pie contest was a hit. There were so many yummy looking pies! I wish I was a guy for once so I could take a bite of each! lol! They surprised me though with 1st place for my Key Lime pie. Crazy, I tell you. 2nd place was Elise Haugaard (?I forgot?). And 3rd was Rachel Haugaard. Unfortunately I didn't get to try all of them (like those lucky judges!) but the ones I DID try were amazing! I don't know how they could choose.

Let'see... now what has transpired since then... hmm... (I'm kinda distracted at the moment, my Grandparents are visiting. SO if I sound... weird, you know why.) Um... Oh yes! It's official cold now! I tell ya! We went out to Sioux Falls yesterday and I almost wore my coat! The weather just came up all of a sudden. In a couple of days we went from T-shirts to long sleeves and hoodies. Now, I DO welcome the use of hoodies. (You all know that's my favorite article of clothing) =) But still, I can't believe we've finally taken leave of our warm summer days. It's sad, and yet exciting because the holidays are fast approaching! I can't believe I'm already looking for Christmas presents. Which begs the question... WHAT DO YO WANT FOR CHRISTMAS?

*Holiday music starts playing* *bells start ringing*

Stores are featuring Elmo Live this year! Hurry in before they're gone! In this truly life-like creation, for the first time ever, Elmo seems to actually be speaking as his mouth opens and closes just like the real muppet, Elmo, from Sesame Street! WOW! This dream doll can be yours for the LOW price of $79.99!

*Holiday music screeches to a stop*

Alright! Alright! Back you relentless marketing agents! Back I say! I don't care if Elmo can cross his legs while telling you a joke that only makes sense to a 2 year old! I'm not buying him! He comes from CHINA! AHH!

Ok, I have finally lost it. I shall write more posts later when I can think straight. (I'm a little overwhelmed by Emlo at the moment) *sigh* See you soon!

Tuesday, October 14, 2008


Hey Guys!

Sorry I haven't posted recently! I've been sick for the past two weeks. I had a nasty cold back a week ago, and finally got over it. And then last saturday started getting a sinus related headache. *yuck* Now it's just gotten worse. So, no. I'm not trying to skip out on ya'll... I just haven't been up to using my brain lately. =/ LoL... I went to lay down on the couch at about 11 this morning and woke up wondering if it was Wednesday. It was almost 5! Yikes! I think my mom's gonna take me into the clinic tomorrow. SO hopefully they'll dose me up with some medicine so I can be back on my feet and write ya'll a new post! Staring at this computer screen for very long makes me feel light headed. *blink blink* So hold on! I shall return! =)

Luv ya'll always! (don't ask me why I put this picture with it... it seemed... appropriate?? Idk... my brain isn't working... remember?)

Friday, October 3, 2008

Let the Heavens declare His Majesty...

Let the heavens be glad, and let the earth rejoice: and let men say among the nations, The LORD reigneth.

1 Chronicles 16:31

Thursday, September 25, 2008

Request granted...

Well, I thought I'd go ahead and post Amy's idea. I asked if she had any ideas for my blog and she suggested I tell you about our (Rachel S., Amy, Laura, and me) trip to Devil's Gulch. So here goes Amy!

Earlier in August us Smith girls went over to Dubs for a sleep over, and on the second day we decided to head up to Devil's Gulch. So we got up super early... ok, ok, it was 8... or was it 9? ANYWAY. So we got up there before 12 at least and started down the trail. The first thing we crossed over twas the actual 'gulch' that our South Dakota hallowed criminal had jumped. Yes, legendary Jesse James. *freaky music starts to play in background* Where did that come from? /=) Sorry, I couldn't help it. =D

So, anyway we took a few pictures of each other pretending to push the other off the edge, then hiked up the next trail. There were quite a few scenic stops along the way. It was a really pretty place; they've done a good job of showing it. It was hard to get the depth perspective on some of the pictures, so you'll just have to use you're imagination. As we kept hiking I was constantly reminded of how beautiful everything was. It reminded me how artistic our Creator is. Everything He has made is done with such precision. Every little detail looks like it's been hand painted. Laura and I were admiring some beautiful blue dragonflies while we were near a stream. They were so cool, their wings were transparent yet they were this midnight blue. It's so cool how even the littlest creatures of God's universe declare His glory. It makes me wonder how anyone could ever believe in Evolution. Go figure. =)

Well, we ended up at this really pretty stream/waterfall. Laura and I took tons of pictures! I was so disappointed cuz I had filled up my gig and I couldn't decide on any pictures to delete! So Laura drove us up to the nearest Lewis so I could buy another memory card, and it just so happened they were all out of the one that fit my camera. Of course, right? LoL. Oh well. I tried taking a few with my cell... but we all know how irritating the clarity can be with that!

We had fun singing in the car the rest of the way though! It was hilarious! Friends are such a blessing. =) Well thanks for the idea Amy! Hope you like it! And if any of you have any other ideas... TELL ME!
(Below: After a long day of trekking... we can't stay awake during the movie! Amy was the only survivor at 3! Snore!) =P

Luv ya'll!!

(You can see the rest of the pictures by clicking on this link--->)

Tuesday, September 23, 2008

Knock, knock, knock... Anybody home?

HI!!! YES, I am still alive and well! He he he... Well, um... I s'pose I don't have much of an excuse. But I'm finally back with new ideas and motivation! So thank you all for bearing with this very lazy girl. LOL.

Well, I don't even know where to start! So much has happened! People getting married left and right, *little* kids getting their driver's license! I tell ya. What is the world coming to? =P Other than that... SUMMER IS OVER!

*respectful pause*

Well, at least the weather is still holding up. I've been enjoying as many days of warm weather as I can before they're gone. But you know, I'm really looking forward to the fall. I've been just waiting to bring out my hoodies and jeans! I miss my hoodies. =) Just last wednesday I went shopping with Rachel, Hannah, and Rae and bought TWO new hoodies... I don't know what I was thinking. Well, I couldn't decide which one I wanted, so the strategy was, that if I brought both of them home and looked them over for a while I'd finally decide. I think I was driving Rachel and Hannah crazy. I just sat there going around in circles. Meanwhile they're all starving. Yes... I'm awful. =S Sorry guys!

Anyway, so fall isn't quite here but is definitely inevitable. I can't wait to start all the festivities again! I'm really looking forward to the Harvest Party at Haugaard's. And then there's Thanksgiving and Christmas! I can't believe it's only like 3 months 'till December. Where has the time gone? And AHH! I'm a Senior! I think I'm going to hyperventilate the next time someone asks me what I'm going to do after I graduate! I keep forgetting! I'm like, "I'm not graduating... I'm only 12!--Oh... wait--He he." Seriously. Where HAS the time gone?

Well, I'll write more later! Promise this time! Luv ya'll!

Wednesday, February 27, 2008

Spring time...

After so many long months of a wintery white wonder land, we are starting to get the first glimpse of spring! Oh joy! This Saturday will be 40 degrees! I feel like I've been underground for the last 5 months. The only color you seem to see is white, white, and more white with occasional hints of brown. I couldn't believe it when I got in the car today and it was warm!

Waiting for spring is sorta like waiting for your prayers to be answered sometimes. It can seem like you've prayed about something for weeks, months, maybe even years and nothing seems to happen. It can get frustrating and even make you wonder if God has heard you. So you pray differently, or ask why the delay. But we all seem to forget that our timing is not God's timing. We want Him to work within our schedule and time blocks. And we have the audacity to get impatient when things don't happen when we want them. God teaches us many things. And one of the many is patients. Whether it's waiting for our prayers to be answered, or waiting for spring! He always knows what time is best. Just think. If spring came a month or two after winter started, we wouldn't appreciate it as much, would we? It's only after months and months of that fluffy white stuff do we get a reprieve. Winter is fun, but after a while we all long for the colors and heat. There's no speeding the weather up, just like you can't make God do things before He wants them done. (So stop running around in shorts and T-shirts, It isn't going to bring summer here any faster!) Take a lesson from from God... His timing is perfect. And in a few short months His timing will bring summer! See! I told you it was perfect!

Monday, February 18, 2008

To my best and forever friend

I decided to dedicate this post to my faithful sister who has always been there for me throughout her 13 years! I love this poem because it describes you beautifully.

When I think of all the times we've shared
from the silly to the sad
You've been the greatest friend to me
through good times and the bad.
We love to get crazy from time to time,
that's what friends are supposed to do;
But when times get rough
there is never a doubt that I can count on you.
We have the kind of friendship
that endures till the very end.
Because I can't imagine life without you-
My Best and Forever Friend.

I love you, Rachel more than you could ever know. Even though we have our differences and I can't say that we have never had a fight, I can say that you are the best friend I have have ever found. Among the myriad of friends I have accumulated over the years, I haven't found one who loves me and is as faithful as you. I don't always show you how grateful I am to have you for my sister. I'm sorry I don't tell you each and every day. You are so special. Any other person would have given up on me long ago. You have to deal with all my idiosyncrasies. But no matter what I do I can't seem to shake your love and friendship. =) Thank you for seeing the good in me rather than dwelling on my shortcomings. The council you share as well as the secrets we laugh about. Thank you for not only being my sister, but my very best friend.