Wednesday, February 27, 2008

Spring time...

After so many long months of a wintery white wonder land, we are starting to get the first glimpse of spring! Oh joy! This Saturday will be 40 degrees! I feel like I've been underground for the last 5 months. The only color you seem to see is white, white, and more white with occasional hints of brown. I couldn't believe it when I got in the car today and it was warm!

Waiting for spring is sorta like waiting for your prayers to be answered sometimes. It can seem like you've prayed about something for weeks, months, maybe even years and nothing seems to happen. It can get frustrating and even make you wonder if God has heard you. So you pray differently, or ask why the delay. But we all seem to forget that our timing is not God's timing. We want Him to work within our schedule and time blocks. And we have the audacity to get impatient when things don't happen when we want them. God teaches us many things. And one of the many is patients. Whether it's waiting for our prayers to be answered, or waiting for spring! He always knows what time is best. Just think. If spring came a month or two after winter started, we wouldn't appreciate it as much, would we? It's only after months and months of that fluffy white stuff do we get a reprieve. Winter is fun, but after a while we all long for the colors and heat. There's no speeding the weather up, just like you can't make God do things before He wants them done. (So stop running around in shorts and T-shirts, It isn't going to bring summer here any faster!) Take a lesson from from God... His timing is perfect. And in a few short months His timing will bring summer! See! I told you it was perfect!

Monday, February 18, 2008

To my best and forever friend

I decided to dedicate this post to my faithful sister who has always been there for me throughout her 13 years! I love this poem because it describes you beautifully.

When I think of all the times we've shared
from the silly to the sad
You've been the greatest friend to me
through good times and the bad.
We love to get crazy from time to time,
that's what friends are supposed to do;
But when times get rough
there is never a doubt that I can count on you.
We have the kind of friendship
that endures till the very end.
Because I can't imagine life without you-
My Best and Forever Friend.

I love you, Rachel more than you could ever know. Even though we have our differences and I can't say that we have never had a fight, I can say that you are the best friend I have have ever found. Among the myriad of friends I have accumulated over the years, I haven't found one who loves me and is as faithful as you. I don't always show you how grateful I am to have you for my sister. I'm sorry I don't tell you each and every day. You are so special. Any other person would have given up on me long ago. You have to deal with all my idiosyncrasies. But no matter what I do I can't seem to shake your love and friendship. =) Thank you for seeing the good in me rather than dwelling on my shortcomings. The council you share as well as the secrets we laugh about. Thank you for not only being my sister, but my very best friend.