Thursday, September 25, 2008

Request granted...

Well, I thought I'd go ahead and post Amy's idea. I asked if she had any ideas for my blog and she suggested I tell you about our (Rachel S., Amy, Laura, and me) trip to Devil's Gulch. So here goes Amy!

Earlier in August us Smith girls went over to Dubs for a sleep over, and on the second day we decided to head up to Devil's Gulch. So we got up super early... ok, ok, it was 8... or was it 9? ANYWAY. So we got up there before 12 at least and started down the trail. The first thing we crossed over twas the actual 'gulch' that our South Dakota hallowed criminal had jumped. Yes, legendary Jesse James. *freaky music starts to play in background* Where did that come from? /=) Sorry, I couldn't help it. =D

So, anyway we took a few pictures of each other pretending to push the other off the edge, then hiked up the next trail. There were quite a few scenic stops along the way. It was a really pretty place; they've done a good job of showing it. It was hard to get the depth perspective on some of the pictures, so you'll just have to use you're imagination. As we kept hiking I was constantly reminded of how beautiful everything was. It reminded me how artistic our Creator is. Everything He has made is done with such precision. Every little detail looks like it's been hand painted. Laura and I were admiring some beautiful blue dragonflies while we were near a stream. They were so cool, their wings were transparent yet they were this midnight blue. It's so cool how even the littlest creatures of God's universe declare His glory. It makes me wonder how anyone could ever believe in Evolution. Go figure. =)

Well, we ended up at this really pretty stream/waterfall. Laura and I took tons of pictures! I was so disappointed cuz I had filled up my gig and I couldn't decide on any pictures to delete! So Laura drove us up to the nearest Lewis so I could buy another memory card, and it just so happened they were all out of the one that fit my camera. Of course, right? LoL. Oh well. I tried taking a few with my cell... but we all know how irritating the clarity can be with that!

We had fun singing in the car the rest of the way though! It was hilarious! Friends are such a blessing. =) Well thanks for the idea Amy! Hope you like it! And if any of you have any other ideas... TELL ME!
(Below: After a long day of trekking... we can't stay awake during the movie! Amy was the only survivor at 3! Snore!) =P

Luv ya'll!!

(You can see the rest of the pictures by clicking on this link--->)

Tuesday, September 23, 2008

Knock, knock, knock... Anybody home?

HI!!! YES, I am still alive and well! He he he... Well, um... I s'pose I don't have much of an excuse. But I'm finally back with new ideas and motivation! So thank you all for bearing with this very lazy girl. LOL.

Well, I don't even know where to start! So much has happened! People getting married left and right, *little* kids getting their driver's license! I tell ya. What is the world coming to? =P Other than that... SUMMER IS OVER!

*respectful pause*

Well, at least the weather is still holding up. I've been enjoying as many days of warm weather as I can before they're gone. But you know, I'm really looking forward to the fall. I've been just waiting to bring out my hoodies and jeans! I miss my hoodies. =) Just last wednesday I went shopping with Rachel, Hannah, and Rae and bought TWO new hoodies... I don't know what I was thinking. Well, I couldn't decide which one I wanted, so the strategy was, that if I brought both of them home and looked them over for a while I'd finally decide. I think I was driving Rachel and Hannah crazy. I just sat there going around in circles. Meanwhile they're all starving. Yes... I'm awful. =S Sorry guys!

Anyway, so fall isn't quite here but is definitely inevitable. I can't wait to start all the festivities again! I'm really looking forward to the Harvest Party at Haugaard's. And then there's Thanksgiving and Christmas! I can't believe it's only like 3 months 'till December. Where has the time gone? And AHH! I'm a Senior! I think I'm going to hyperventilate the next time someone asks me what I'm going to do after I graduate! I keep forgetting! I'm like, "I'm not graduating... I'm only 12!--Oh... wait--He he." Seriously. Where HAS the time gone?

Well, I'll write more later! Promise this time! Luv ya'll!