Thursday, October 23, 2008

Free at last!

Finally I can break free of my 'sick haze'. I finally can breath and move my eyes without passing out. LoL. So now... Wow... I gotta catch up on some stuff!

Let's see... when I left off I was going to write about the Haugaard's Party. But it's been a while since that. Hmm... Well for the sake of my non-SD readers I'll brief ya'll on it. =)

Well, as usual the Harvest Party was a blast! Pie contests, Volleyball, and hay rides. Unfortunately... once again I forgot to take pictures of the hay ride. =( Sorry. If any of you have pictures... you know what to do! Otherwise, the pie contest was a hit. There were so many yummy looking pies! I wish I was a guy for once so I could take a bite of each! lol! They surprised me though with 1st place for my Key Lime pie. Crazy, I tell you. 2nd place was Elise Haugaard (?I forgot?). And 3rd was Rachel Haugaard. Unfortunately I didn't get to try all of them (like those lucky judges!) but the ones I DID try were amazing! I don't know how they could choose.

Let'see... now what has transpired since then... hmm... (I'm kinda distracted at the moment, my Grandparents are visiting. SO if I sound... weird, you know why.) Um... Oh yes! It's official cold now! I tell ya! We went out to Sioux Falls yesterday and I almost wore my coat! The weather just came up all of a sudden. In a couple of days we went from T-shirts to long sleeves and hoodies. Now, I DO welcome the use of hoodies. (You all know that's my favorite article of clothing) =) But still, I can't believe we've finally taken leave of our warm summer days. It's sad, and yet exciting because the holidays are fast approaching! I can't believe I'm already looking for Christmas presents. Which begs the question... WHAT DO YO WANT FOR CHRISTMAS?

*Holiday music starts playing* *bells start ringing*

Stores are featuring Elmo Live this year! Hurry in before they're gone! In this truly life-like creation, for the first time ever, Elmo seems to actually be speaking as his mouth opens and closes just like the real muppet, Elmo, from Sesame Street! WOW! This dream doll can be yours for the LOW price of $79.99!

*Holiday music screeches to a stop*

Alright! Alright! Back you relentless marketing agents! Back I say! I don't care if Elmo can cross his legs while telling you a joke that only makes sense to a 2 year old! I'm not buying him! He comes from CHINA! AHH!

Ok, I have finally lost it. I shall write more posts later when I can think straight. (I'm a little overwhelmed by Emlo at the moment) *sigh* See you soon!

Tuesday, October 14, 2008


Hey Guys!

Sorry I haven't posted recently! I've been sick for the past two weeks. I had a nasty cold back a week ago, and finally got over it. And then last saturday started getting a sinus related headache. *yuck* Now it's just gotten worse. So, no. I'm not trying to skip out on ya'll... I just haven't been up to using my brain lately. =/ LoL... I went to lay down on the couch at about 11 this morning and woke up wondering if it was Wednesday. It was almost 5! Yikes! I think my mom's gonna take me into the clinic tomorrow. SO hopefully they'll dose me up with some medicine so I can be back on my feet and write ya'll a new post! Staring at this computer screen for very long makes me feel light headed. *blink blink* So hold on! I shall return! =)

Luv ya'll always! (don't ask me why I put this picture with it... it seemed... appropriate?? Idk... my brain isn't working... remember?)

Friday, October 3, 2008

Let the Heavens declare His Majesty...

Let the heavens be glad, and let the earth rejoice: and let men say among the nations, The LORD reigneth.

1 Chronicles 16:31